Care for Huntington’s Disease

We understand that Huntington’s Disease is challenging to live with. We also know that high-quality care can make life easier and more enjoyable. Our expert Vitality caregivers are highly trained and experienced in supporting people with Huntington’s.  

The effects of Huntington’s Disease change over time, and so do your care needs. Whether you’re planning ahead or you need support now, we can work with you to give you the tailored care that will improve your quality of life, all in the comfort of your own home.   

VHH - Care for Huntington's Disease

Our approach to Huntington's Disease

We meet you wherever you are. Our Vitality caregivers understand the symptoms of Huntington’s Disease, including the physical, emotional and cognitive (thinking) effects of this condition. We see you as a whole person, so we offer holistic care that takes you into account. You’ll find our caregivers are patient and happy to take all the time you need, especially if difficulties with communication or movement sometimes cause frustration. 

What we offer

  • Consistent expert support 
    Routine is very helpful for people with Huntington’s Disease. Our regular care visits will help you feel calm and confident. 
  • Help with personal care 
    Caring for yourself can be a challenge when you have Huntington’s Disease. Our friendly and professional caregivers can help with washing, dressing, and other personal care, and with taking medications. This can help ease the pressure on you and your family.
  • A tailored well-being programme 
    Our Medical Director, Dr. Sahota, has a background supporting people with conditions like Huntington’s. He’ll carry out a holistic lifestyle assessment and develop a personalised nutrition and activity programme to help you live well with the condition.  
  • Help in getting out and about 
    Limited mobility can make going out a challenge. But our caregivers will help, and if needed, can arrange a comfortable, accessible vehicle to get you and your mobility equipment to your destination. 
  • High-tech care 
    We’ve invested in the latest technology to help make your care seamless. Our smart technology means those involved in your care can see how you are, emotionally and physically, every day. That includes your loved ones if you wish.  
  • Support for all the family 
    We recognise that Huntington’s affects the whole family. We’ll include your loved ones at every step if you would like us to. And as the condition is inherited, we hope they’ll get a lot of reassurance from seeing the difference our expert support makes. 
  • If you need additional support with your condition, information can be found on the Huntington’s Disease Association website. 

You deserve care tailored to your individual needs and preferences. We’re here to provide it for you every step of the way.

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